I bought 25.77 euros (delivery included) an orangepipcplus + cam (set 9) 3 month ago. Today it is sold 30.77 euros => 20% more expensive in only 3 months.
I am not paying attention to the part market but memory chips probably went up. Again. This would explain price change.
For example, I had to buy my build server memory upgrade earlier this year. Price was about doubled than two years ago for the same amount of memory. It was not a joke
tony1812 replied at 2018-5-30 19:56
Orange Pi should be more appropriately re-named Lemon Pi, it is a cheap piece of junk! Better go wit ...
I am so sorry but if it is a mistake of cheap, we should be responsible for for it. As i know that our support is not enough, we are trying our best at it.