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Pi PC + 3d Printer No serial

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Intermediate member

Rank: 3Rank: 3

Published in 2015-11-30 04:42:01 | Show all floors |Read mode
I bought myself a Orange Pi PC and it arrived a few days ago. Ive been fidling with distros to get something that worked. I eventually got a hold of @loboris images and grabbed debian wheezy and loaded the correct Uimage and script.bin files. All USB ports work (finally) and i managed to get octopi installed working off both the raspberry Pi guide and off the BeagleBoneBlack guide. I have yet to go through this guide.

My problem though is that I am not seeing any devices in the Octoprint menus.

/dev shows:
  1. android_adb      loop4               tty1   tty40   ttyS2
  2. apm_bios         loop5               tty10  tty41   ttyS3
  3. block            loop6               tty11  tty42   uhid
  4. btrfs-control    loop7               tty12  tty43   uinput
  5. bus              loop-control        tty13  tty44   urandom
  6. cachefiles       MAKEDEV             tty14  tty45   usb_accessory
  7. cedar_dev        mapper              tty15  tty46   usbdev1.1
  8. char             mem                 tty16  tty47   usbdev2.1
  9. console          mmcblk0             tty17  tty48   usbdev3.1
  10. cpu_dma_latency  mmcblk0p1           tty18  tty49   usbdev4.1
  11. cuse             mmcblk0p2           tty19  tty5    usbdev5.1
  12. disk             mtp_usb             tty2   tty50   usbdev6.1
  13. disp             net                 tty20  tty51   usbdev7.1
  14. fb0              network_latency     tty21  tty52   usbdev8.1
  15. fb1              network_throughput  tty22  tty53   usbdev8.2
  16. fb2              null                tty23  tty54   vcs
  17. fb3              ppp                 tty24  tty55   vcs1
  18. fb4              psaux               tty25  tty56   vcs2
  19. fb5              ptmx                tty26  tty57   vcs3
  20. fb6              pts                 tty27  tty58   vcs4
  21. fb7              random              tty28  tty59   vcs5
  22. fd               root                tty29  tty6    vcs6
  23. full             rtc                 tty3   tty60   vcsa
  24. fuse             rtc0                tty30  tty61   vcsa1
  25. hdmi             shm                 tty31  tty62   vcsa2
  26. i2c-0            snd                 tty32  tty63   vcsa3
  27. i2c-1            spidev0.0           tty33  tty7    vcsa4
  28. input            stderr              tty34  tty8    vcsa5
  29. ion              stdin               tty35  tty9    vcsa6
  30. kmsg             stdout              tty36  ttyGS0  vmouse
  31. loop0            sunxi-reg           tty37  ttyGS1  watchdog
  32. loop1            sunxi_soc_info      tty38  ttyGS2  xt_qtaguid
  33. loop2            tty                 tty39  ttyGS3  zero
  34. loop3            tty0                tty4   ttyS0
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and lsusb shows:

  1. Bus 008 Device 002: ID 2341:0042 Arduino SA Mega 2560 R3 (CDC ACM)
  2. Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  3. Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  4. Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  5. Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  6. Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
  7. Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
  8. Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
  9. Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
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Im not a Linux guru but can figure my way around.

Any help or advice would be awesome







Intermediate member

Rank: 3Rank: 3

Published in 2015-12-2 20:15:42 | Show all floors
My guess would be you have to know what is the chip that is used in your 3d printer board as usb2serial adapter and have a kernel module for it installed. Is it a boring RAMPS or something more exotic?
Seeing nothing in lsusb output suggests to check your cable. There should be at least some unknown device listed, even if no driver presents.







Intermediate member

Rank: 3Rank: 3

 Author| Published in 2015-12-3 03:37:27 | Show all floors
Definitely wasn't the cable. I tried your guide as listed earlier and its working 100% now. Unfortunately the bump in performance (rpi B+ to the OP PC) hasn't really made a difference. The web page loads a lot faster however I still get stuttering on curves. Obviously its the buffers on the Ardunio. Also a bit disappointing that the RPI NOIR cam wont work on this board. :/







Senior member

Rank: 4

Published in 2024-6-1 19:20:57 | Show all floors
Dealing with a 3D printer that has no serial number can be frustrating, especially when trying to register the device or seek support. Without a serial number, tracking the machine's origin and warranty status becomes difficult. However, for those in need of reliable identification and shipping labels, investing in the best label printer shipping can solve part of the problem. A high-quality label printer ensures that each package is accurately labeled, streamlining logistics and reducing errors in shipping processes, even for items produced on unregistered 3D printers.
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