In this case, shipping cost adds almost +50% to the cost of th ...
Shipping cost is not charged by Xunlong. If in the furture Xunlong could product a much cheaped board for only one or two dollars, then the shipping cost will be in several times of product value.
admin replied at 2016-11-4 09:05
Shipping cost is not charged by Xunlong. If in the furture Xunlong could product a much cheaped bo ...
Who is charged shipping cost ? Shipping increase for each additionnal board, ~13$ for 5 board (~100gr), are they offer a premium delivery in 1 week for this price ?
How about documentation? I couldn't find any GPIO pinout except for it's compatible with RPi B+.
How may UARTS are there on the board? I'm going to buy a couple of Orange Pi Zeros, but I have to be sure I can use at least 3 hardware UARTs.
Dear Admin,
do you have any expected day when will be release the shell/case for OrangePi Zero?
I am waiting to buy because i need complete set as usually buy.