I got a orange plus on hand. And I want to know how to port a boot0 to sdcard .
Then , I downloaded the h3-lichee-1.0.tar.gz , extracted it in my linux machine.
I did not edit anything.I just did exactly what the web page above described.But I got boot issues.
First , lichee sdk has got a binary boot0_sdcard_sun8iw7p1.bin.I did the same thing below:
# Using sun8iw7p1 "dolphin-p1"Board as an example
# Under lichee/tools/pack
# Copy fex file
cp -fv chips/sun8iw7p1/configs/dolphin-p1/sys_config.fex out/sys_config.fex
# Copy boot0
cp -fv chips/sun8iw7p1/bin/boot0_sdcard_sun8iw7p1.bin out/boot0_sdcard.fex
# Fex file compiler requires fex file in CRLFformat
dos2unix out/sys_config.fex
# Compile fex file
pctools/linux/mod_update/script out/sys_config.fex
# Patch sdcard boot0
pctools/linux/mod_update/update_boot0 out/boot0_sdcard.fex out/sys_config.bin SDMMC_CARD
and then I did this to program boot0 to sdcard.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=40
dd if=boot0_sdcard.fex of=/dev/sdb bs=1k seek=8
it was successful. But when I inserted the sdcard to my PI Plus , the serial console do not print anything.
And then , I did this to get the boot0 from Lubuntu
dd if=Lubuntu_1404_For_OrangePiplus_v0_8_0_.img of=boot0.bin bs=1k skip=8 count=32
clear first 40M of sdcard.
Dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=40
Program boot0 got from Lubuntu .
Dd if=boot0.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1k seek=8
Then insert the sdcard to PI Plus. It booted and has serial print. And Just stopped when it did not found a valid uboot.It’s not a problem because I did not program uboot to sdcard.
And I compared the boot0_sdcard.fex to boot0.bin , Results see below
Exclude the Header , in the config area , boot0_sdcard.fexare different from boot0.bin.
Is the chips/sun8iw7p1/configs/dolphin-p1/sys_config.fex not right ? Can some onehelp ? Thank you.